Island life with Marla Bainbridge Martinez

28 - Born and raised in Alabama, Marla has lived from coast to coast in the US. With her relocation to Los Angeles in 2000 she completed her Master’s degree at Pepperdine University in Educational Leadership.
After relocating to Las Vegas, Portland, OR and Atlanta, GA, she discovered her love for Mexico and passion for travel. So much that she is now married to an isleño of Isla Mujeres and makes her home there. Marla began in the travel business by focusing on Isla Mujeres and what started as a single website for budget rentals has grown into a website with an extensive inventory of properties to meet the needs of the range of travelers.
With the Pandemic of 2020 came her forced opportunity to refocus her income streams and now consults with other entrepreneurs on how to do the same. Her background in education, curriculum and instruction has filled a need with the influx of online courses being created in optimizing online courses beyond a simple presentations to a true learning experience.